I did it because the mesh on my BUD didn't work that well on Ku and also didn't want to spring for a positioner. The .7m CM really outperforms my BUD. Didn't know how much Ku I was missing.(well, yeah, I knew, just didn't want to admit) And moving the fixed Ku's around got to be too much. Sill have 3 fixed, besides the Ku on the BUD. (30°W,(that 1.2 on it's side) 125°W, and another, usually on 103°W*)
I don't think it would pull it out of alignment, but rather warp the dish. But maybe a couple of guy wires from the point the Ku dish attaches on the lip to the center of the dish, or to the dish/ring mounts. Another thought I had was a strut under the dish from the mount ring to the lip. Or both, strut and guys. I've thought that with a light weight dish, the foot of the mount could be mounted inverted under the lip. The dish would be mounted inverted on its mount, with it ending up in about the same place, or below, the lip of the dish. The Ku dish would end up in the normal position, lnb arm on the bottom. I brainstormed this for about 4 months, and fashioned it up as soon as the weather allowed. BTW, where my Ku is mounted is a double rib as that's where 2 panels bolt together. And again, all steel.
*103°W I have a feeling the skew is going to be normal, not 21° off, when SES 3 arrives.