looks like the Turner Networks contract expired at Midnight Central time for carriage and we now have a nasty dispute. i bet the carriage ended Oct 1, but got extended to keep the channels on until the ALCS was over.
plus Dish has launched the "Dispute info" site:
MSNBC is just like Fox News, except for liberals. Can't believe a word on either of those channels as they are sooooo biased. If you watch both you can usually find the truth in the middle.Lol they replaced CNN and HN with MSNBC, the liberals must be desperate with the upcoming elections. Hmmmmm
I'm out of contract so I think i'm just going to cancel and focus on gaming and building a new PC. Suddenlink cable doesn't have VIACOM in my area and now DISH is losing the Turnet networks. Sure they'll be back in a couple months but I'm sick of this game.
In case you're wondering what got cut off and what's running in their place, here's the census:
Turner Classic Movies (132): FXM
Boomerang (175) and Cartoon Network (176/177): Barker Channel
CNN (200) and Headline News (202): MSNBC
TruTV (242): Esquire Network
BTW: Being as dish is in Mountain Time Zone territory, and most of their changes happen on that clock, didn't these channels disappear at Midnight MT (2 AM ET)? I'm certain I saw the CNNI simulcast at a little after 10 PM PT/11 PM MT.
I don't really care so much for losing CNN and HLN since they don't tell any news just focus on one topic. Now if we could just get Dish and Fox news to get into a dispute and never resolve it would be fine with me.