Destiny (XBone, PS4)

Destiny: The Taken King is having a refer-a-friend program. Sadly, it doesn't result in any sort of game discount, but has some in-game perks.

I think they will finally lose a lot of their audience once The Division comes out. The way Destiny has been able to keep an active player base for so long is pretty unusual for a AAA console game. They had more concurrent players a year after release when Taken King came out than they did at launch. Most console games significantly drop off after the first couple weeks.

The Division seems like a similar product though. It's basically another MMO shooter. As someone who put over 150 hours into Destiny last year, but thankfully was able to give it up a few months ago, I'm looking forward to seeing how The Division turns out. All these delays could mean the game is a dumpster fire that cant be fixed. It could also mean that they did the right thing and held it back until it was truly ready.
I feel like after the disaster of AC:Unity, Ubisoft really changed their QA process in terms of what is considered "ready" for release.
I feel like after the disaster of AC:Unity, Ubisoft really changed their QA process in terms of what is considered "ready" for release.

I hope so considering I just took advantage of a $38 pre-order price on GMG. I will be paying close attention to the beta and pre-release opinions on the game though. I like the setting and I thought the game looked awesome right from it's announcement trailer. The fact that this was 2 and a half years ago and we haven't heard much about it since makes me a little nervous though.

I wanted to lock myself in at that price because if the game turns out well it's something I know I will enjoy. I'll definitely be ready to cancel my order if it sounds like there are major problems though.
The rumor is that Destiny 2 will change a LOT from the original, including adding PC support.

I will almost definitely be a day one buyer for Destiny 2. The only real question for me is whether I stick with Xbox One or move over to PC. PC seems like the obvious answer but it depends what, if anything, we get from putting so much time into the first game. I also have friends who play Destiny on Xbox and that probably won't be the case on PC.

I know Destiny got a lot of hate from a lot of people but I liked it enough to play 165 hours according to the Xbox Smartglass App. Apparently I'm not alone since I'm only ranked 5th out of 11 people who played it on my friends list with the highest being 1924 hours. There isn't much to the story but the gameplay is good and some people, like myself, really like the loot grind. I like Destiny for a lot of the same reasons I like Diablo and Borderlands.
I put a ton of time into Destiny when I gave it a second chance and actually played the end game content. They had a lot of good ideas and the game improved quite a bit after the Taken King expansion. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what they can do with a full sequel. It's a bummer that I will lose the 150+ hours of progress and items I have unlocked when I switch from Xbox to PC for the sequel but from the rumors I have heard it doesn't sound like much is going to carry forward to the next game anyways.

Hopefully they fixed some of the biggest complaints people had with the first game. It would be great to have an easy way to find a group for raids directly in game instead of having to have 6 friends with the appropriate gear and character level or use an external website. It would also be great if they included an actual story this time.
I think I share Jim Sterling's sentiment..

Well that may be a bit harsh.. I don't think Destiny was a bad game but it definitely didn't appeal to my play style, so if 2 is just going to be 1 with a few refinements, I don't see myself getting into it.
Yeah, I definitely disagree with Jim Sterling on this one. The game had it's problems but it also had excellent shooting, cool class specific abilities, and a satisfying loot grind. If a loot grind without a meaningful story isn't your style I can see how you wouldn't like it though.

They put out a teaser trailer today. Yes that is Nathan Fillion if you were wondering. He was also in the first game.
Destiny 2 reveal trailer has been released:

Its coming on PC and will be released 9/8/17.

The trailer doesn't say much. You're better off going to the official website for more info, where you'll learn great news like that the PS4 users will be getting stuff early AGAIN.

Looks like the next big news will be a gameplay premier live stream on May 18.
Not sure how I feel about Destiny 2. I played Destiny quite a bit, but mostly the solo campaign and patrols (Im not much for multiplayer, just bc I don't have the time to dedicate to get good at it anymore), but I did enjoy the missions, so Im sure Ill end up getting D2. I do wish that my current character and items would transfer over though.
Not sure how I feel about Destiny 2. I played Destiny quite a bit, but mostly the solo campaign and patrols (Im not much for multiplayer, just bc I don't have the time to dedicate to get good at it anymore), but I did enjoy the missions, so Im sure Ill end up getting D2. I do wish that my current character and items would transfer over though.

A lot of stuff from the first game will transfer over in terms of your character, but your items and loot will not.
I'll most likely be switching to PC so I was probably going to lose all of my stuff anyways. I would obviously like whatever rewards are going to carry forward but I don't find it that surprising that weapons and character levels are being left behind.

There has to be a progression system in the new game. If they carried everything forward they would have to make all of the current, max level stuff less powerful than the starting gear in Destiny 2. If they didn't there would be nothing to gain from leveling up and finding new loot.

If you look at it this way the end result would basically be the same even if they carried that stuff forward. Everyone would be using Destiny 2 gear anyways since it would presumably be significantly more powerful than Destiny 1 gear.

The same thing actually played out in Destiny 1. They raised the level cap and increased the power of year 2 exotic weapons and armor. You could still use year 1 gear but no one did because it wasn't nearly as good.