I received an 8' mesh dish from a neighbor a while ago. It was dirty and in need of some TLC, with the mesh in several panels torn, bent and pulled out of the channels. I cleaned it up but never seemed to find the time to repair it properly so it just sat here for I while. I finally set a post and installed it, as-is, before last winter (as I mentioned in another thread). It has performed quite well, even with the torn, bent and displaced panels, serving our bedroom with quality tv over Winter and into this Spring. Since it has been so good to us I figured it was time to return the favor and get it back in shape so I recently took it down and went to work on it. The dish is made up of four panels. I had to remove two of the panels to fix the damage to them but was able to keep the other half of the dish (panels 3 & 4) together to work on them. I bought several items for the repairs. First was a 250' roll of 24 gauge galvanized steel wire from Home Depot (http://www.homedepot.com/p/OOK-250-ft-x-24-Gauge-Galvanized-Steel-Wire-50137/100144004). This stuff works great and cost me less than $5. It is very strong but acts similar to thread, allowing you to 'stitch' the mesh back together. I highly recommend it. (Click thumbnails for larger pics)

Next was a box of black, large head, aluminum rivets from Jegs (http://www.jegs.com/i/Allstar+Performance/049/ALL18170/10002/-1).

Third was various new bolts, washers & nuts since many of the originals broke while trying to remove them, once again Home Depot. And finally, a can of flat black spray paint.
The first panel had a section of mesh that was partially loose from the channels and also had several tears, including the corner along the outer edge that was barely hanging on.
Before (well almost before - I forgot to take a pic before I got started


The second panel had a section of mesh that was almost completely out of the channels and pretty crumpled. How it didn't get torn is beyond me. Another section of mesh in this panel was partially out of the channels.


The remaining half of the dish had a section of mesh that was torn, bent and partially out of the channels.


After I got everything fixed and reassembled the dish, I put a coat of flat black over the stitching (and anywhere else that needed it). Here is a pic of the finished dish, painted, back on the pole and ready for use:

Overall I'm very pleased with the outcome. The dish itself was free. The pole was already on my property so that was free. The lnb was one that I won from a contest on Satellite Guys (Thanks Titanium!). So for the cost of various bolts, nuts & washers, a spool of 24 gauge wire, some rivets, paint and some elbow grease, I have a nice 'new' 8 foot dish.

Next was a box of black, large head, aluminum rivets from Jegs (http://www.jegs.com/i/Allstar+Performance/049/ALL18170/10002/-1).

Third was various new bolts, washers & nuts since many of the originals broke while trying to remove them, once again Home Depot. And finally, a can of flat black spray paint.
The first panel had a section of mesh that was partially loose from the channels and also had several tears, including the corner along the outer edge that was barely hanging on.
Before (well almost before - I forgot to take a pic before I got started


The second panel had a section of mesh that was almost completely out of the channels and pretty crumpled. How it didn't get torn is beyond me. Another section of mesh in this panel was partially out of the channels.


The remaining half of the dish had a section of mesh that was torn, bent and partially out of the channels.


After I got everything fixed and reassembled the dish, I put a coat of flat black over the stitching (and anywhere else that needed it). Here is a pic of the finished dish, painted, back on the pole and ready for use:

Overall I'm very pleased with the outcome. The dish itself was free. The pole was already on my property so that was free. The lnb was one that I won from a contest on Satellite Guys (Thanks Titanium!). So for the cost of various bolts, nuts & washers, a spool of 24 gauge wire, some rivets, paint and some elbow grease, I have a nice 'new' 8 foot dish.