Catherine is very good. It's HARD, like "You HAVE to play on Easy unless you're a masochist" Hard. You also have to be into Japanese Anime Romantic Comedy storylines/humor or else the story is going to come across as too silly/unlikely to be taken seriously. I'm also not really sure why that game is on there. Catherine is hardly a horror game. Yeah it deals with men mysteriously dying in their sleep, but that seems like a stretch to put it in a horror/dead themed sale. Still it's good for it to be on there so others can try it out. Troy Baker voices the main character and does a really good job, and I liked the multiple endings the game had (although realistically you'll probably just "earn" one of them and then watch the rest on YouTube.) Too bad they don't have Lollipop Chainsaw there because THAT game fits the sale perfectly, but a quick search shows that the game isn't even available digitally. Apparently WBIE has a crippling fear of money and success. Hell if nothing else they could do a cheap digital re-release and emphasize the fact that the game was written by James Gunn, who other than writing some classic Troma movies also recently wrote and directed Guardians of the Galaxy! But then again, if there's something that WBIE has been lacking lately is good ideas.