Where are my Satellite Guy's gamers at?

That's been in my queue for a while unfortunately. I have Metal Gear Solid 5 coming in next, but given how short that is it shouldn't take too long to get done with it. I mainly added it because I just wanted SOMETHING to arrive in a timely fashion.

Yeah, Wolfenstein took forever for me too. A quick look at my rental history shows that they received my copy of Watch Dogs on 7/7 and didn't ship out my copy of Wolfenstien until 7/24 even though it was the only available game in my queue. I think Gamefly might have underestimated the demand for that game because none of the press was positive until the reviews hit. Wolfenstein came out before Watch Dogs but after I sent Watch Dogs back I noticed that Wolfenstein was still listed as low availability while Watch Dogs was listed as high.

Watch Dogs did huge sales numbers but Gamefly clearly ordered many more copies of that then they did for Wolfenstein. They probably decide on how many copies to buy based on how many people have a game in their queue and many people, like myself, probably didn't add the game to their queue until after it launched and the reviews were out. I think this one caught a lot of people by surprise.
I really wish that Wolfenstein had mp.

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I'm fine with SP only. I'd prefer a highly refined single player experience than having one that is reduced in quality just for the sake of having multiplayer. Too often single player focused games have been hobbled by having unnecessary multiplayer thrown in, thus removing resources that could have been used to improve the single player experience. Here's a good list of games that fit into this category.
I'm fine with SP only. I'd prefer a highly refined single player experience than having one that is reduced in quality just for the sake of having multiplayer. Too often single player focused games have been hobbled by having unnecessary multiplayer thrown in, thus removing resources that could have been used to improve the single player experience. Here's a good list of games that fit into this category.

I'm a single player guy too but doesn't the Wolfenstein franchise have some pretty good history with multiplayer? I never played it myself but I remember Return to Castle Wolfenstein being the big Xbox Live game on the original Xbox before Halo 2 came out. I guess I don't know if the original on PC had multiplayer since I never played that either.

That being said, I would probably never play the multiplayer if it was there anyways so in ok with all resources being put into single player.
It only really had memorable multiplayer with RTCW, which may I add probably ranked 2nd for me in terms of total online playing on Xbox behind only Halo 2. Many an hour were sunk away in that game.

On a more annoying note, either Gamefly's PS4 owners don't know how to handle their discs, or my PS4 is f*cked. Just like with Killzone, now Metal Gear Solid V isn't working, this time refusing to work at all and shutting itself down. Now it's not unusual to get the occasional broken game from Gamefly, but I've never had 2 in a row not work. And the disc doesn't appear to have any scratches or anything, and I wiped off 90% of the smudges with a towel. Movies seem to play fine, so it looks like I got a $400 BR player. I wish I could try out with a new game to be 100% sure but obviously no stores have a 100% refund on returned games, and I don't feel comfortable using a used Gamestop game as a test machine, although maybe if I bring in the PS4 with receipt and tell them the situation, they'll let me try with some of their used games. Either way I'm not very happy. It takes me forever to get a PS4 game sent to me, and then when it does it doesn't even work. I don't want Second Son to remain the last PS4 taste in my mouth, nor am I ready to go all digital and just download all my games.
It only really had memorable multiplayer with RTCW, which may I add probably ranked 2nd for me in terms of total online playing on Xbox behind only Halo 2. Many an hour were sunk away in that game.

On a more annoying note, either Gamefly's PS4 owners don't know how to handle their discs, or my PS4 is f*cked. Just like with Killzone, now Metal Gear Solid V isn't working, this time refusing to work at all and shutting itself down. Now it's not unusual to get the occasional broken game from Gamefly, but I've never had 2 in a row not work. And the disc doesn't appear to have any scratches or anything, and I wiped off 90% of the smudges with a towel. Movies seem to play fine, so it looks like I got a $400 BR player. I wish I could try out with a new game to be 100% sure but obviously no stores have a 100% refund on returned games, and I don't feel comfortable using a used Gamestop game as a test machine, although maybe if I bring in the PS4 with receipt and tell them the situation, they'll let me try with some of their used games. Either way I'm not very happy. It takes me forever to get a PS4 game sent to me, and then when it does it doesn't even work. I don't want Second Son to remain the last PS4 taste in my mouth, nor am I ready to go all digital and just download all my games.

If you don't mind testing with other used games, does RedBox carry PS4 games yet?
If you don't mind testing with other used games, does RedBox carry PS4 games yet?
Not on a nationwide level. And when I searched the Redbox Website every zip code I put in (even ones outside of my area) claimed to not have PS4 games. For whatever reason my local Gamestop doesn't feel like picking up the phone so I'm just going to bring my stuff there and hope that they'll humor my little test.
So I just finished Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes..

Normally I give a first impressions before I give a full review, but unfortunately the time I spent completing the main mission in MGS V was less than that of a typical first impression. Yes, if you have been following any news about this game, you likely already know that it is embarrassingly short. There is NO way to justify $60 or even $40 for this game given the regular game length. Had this been released for $10-$20, Konami would likely have been praised for this decision to release a "sample" of MGS V like this as a way to entice players to then want the full Phantom Pain version later. But sadly that didn't happen and we got a very overpriced game. Hell I mainly got it on Gamefly because I wanted my PS4 to justify it's existence.

Gameplay-wise, it's similar to MGS 4 unsurprisingly. However, if you're like me, and you haven't played a modern MGS game in over 5 years, then a good part of your early experience will be getting your mind adjusted to the awful unintuitive controls of MGS. Lack of truly customizable controls hurts yet another game, as I would never imagine configuring my controls like how MGS V does. Eventually your brain will degrade itself enough to play this thing. Once you get going it's not bad, but if you didn't like MGS IV or any other game in the series, I don't see this game changing your opinion.

In typical Hideo Kojima fashion, if you can follow the plot of this game you deserve an honorary induction into MENSA because it means you operate at a higher plane than the majority of people. That's not to say that the plot is that sophisticated, but it's presented so badly that it proves you have a great deal of critical thinking skills and ability to think outside of the box. Then again, anyone who has played other MGS games (and I've played all the major ones) knows what to expect with games in this series. Excluding all the other bullsh*t that the game throws at you, your mission in this game is to infiltrate some base and extract two children who appear to be in some sort of army that Snake has built. Excuse me? Recruiting children as soldiers? Has Snake become some sort of African warlord or something? Anyways once you do that the game is over. They throw some cutscenes to make the game feel longer but it really comes off as feeling like padding.

This edition of MGS truly emphasizes stealth more than the previous games. Killing enemies is heavily frowned upon, and getting spotted is often an invitation to just reload your last save point as this base seems to house about 1,000 soldiers in it. Don't expect to shoot yourself through this experience. Believe me I tried, and that went about as well as justifying a side in the Israel/Palestine conflict. Along with the stealth being more emphasized, eventually I said, "I'm getting spotted a whole lot. Is this game hard or am I just sh*t at this game?" Well it seems to be a bit of both. If you're not big into stealth this isn't going to be a fun experience for you. If patience doesn't entice you then you'll be seeing a game over screen very often.

Finally, it is a little weird to see Snake voiced by a new character, with Konami abandoning David Hayter in favor of Keifer Sutherland. Yes, Keifer does a fine job from an acting standpoint, but if you're like me and are a big 24 fan, it's IMPOSSIBLE to not think of Jack Bauer, as Snake is basically that character when you think about it. It also doesn't help that Keifer did motion captioning for this game. I'm sure when Phantom Pain comes out people will be making numerous videos with cutscenes spliced with a 24 style clock.

While my game experience was likely less than 2 hours, GZ does try to add to game length by throwing in a lot of hidden items and various game modes that unlock, but if you're like me, suave and sexually virile, you won't give a crap about extra playthroughs just for the sake of doing so. If you ARE a completionist you will likely find more life beyond just the main story of this, but a full release game like this should not be forcing the player to make their own fun because of the short campaign time. All that being said, I am looking forward to trying out MGS V: The Phantom Menace.. err.. Pain, but don't feel like you HAVE to jump into this game first to get the full experience. And definitely do NOT pick it up at full retail price. Anything more than $20 for this would be an act of lunacy. Too bad Hideo didn't think so as well, but as we all know, great editing is not his strong suit. It's definitely not the worst Metal Gear game I've played, but it also sure as hell is no Metal Gear Solid 3 (Which in my opinion was the best of the series.) I give it a B.

Oh yeah... I apologize to all of you that have been kept awake at night wondering what the status of my PS4 was. Well, I brought my console to Gamestop, and of course, it worked perfectly fine. However, one thing that was different was the fact that my console was place horizontally, as opposed to vertically which it normally has been since I received my stand. I placed it vertically because it's actually on a mantle above the fireplace and when placed horizontally there isn't good air flow. I know for a fact though that it isn't a case that my laser is broken as I was able to run MGS V (Gamestop's version, not mine) and CoD: Ghosts (which has one of the WORST introductions I've ever played might I add) without any issues. So basically I'm going to see what happens with the next game I receive and try to play it vertically. If that doesn't work I'll be calling Sony to complain, as the console should be able to be played vertically without any issues.
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Here's some early impressions of Super Mario 3D World (Not to be confused with Super Mario World, or Super Mario 3D Land...)

I won't go into the plot for the same reasons I wouldn't go into the plot of a Roadrunner cartoon. Gameplay is fun. Standard fun platforming that the series has refined over time, although this time it seems as though they took all those side scrolling sections of Mario Galaxy 2 and made a whole game out of that. So it's not as much like Mario 64 like the previous "3D" iterations have been. That's not a bad thing, but it does make the game a bit more repetitive than normal.

The newest "innovation" seems to be the introduction of a cat suit, apparently to appeal to the "Furry" crowd of gamers (if you don't know what a "Furry" is, trust me you don't want to know.) You can glide and climb up some walls, which basically means if you want to get all the stars in the game you're going to need this damn thing. And speaking of Stars, why are they all green in this instead of gold? In previous Mario games the green stars were the "super hidden" stars, but now they're the norm.

And speaking of things not being as good as before, why the hell can't I customize the controls like I could in New Super Mario Bros Wii U? As far as Mario games go my preferred control method is to have the run and jump buttons right next to each other, a la X-Y or B-A. But 3D World doesn't let you do that. Instead run is X-Y and jump is B-A. As a result I'll often be trying to run only to see myself not gain any speed because I'm holding down the jump button. I suppose I could instead just use my old Wii remote controller, but it's mildly infuriating to know that I have to use a controller that's nearly 8 years old for the optimal experience, and actually has LESS buttons than the one I'm normally using. And of course, the game uses the pointless lives system, which nowadays is about as practical and modern and the Red Cross's position on homosexuals giving blood.

Overall I don't see any real issues with the game. I do plan on plowing through this quicker than usual just so I can get this back so I can get Destiny from GF once it comes out. But unless there's a MAJOR change coming (which I doubt there is given how these games are) I'm sure it'll be an enjoyable (if rather stale and predictable) experience.
I just finished Season 2 of The Walking Dead...

I suppose the best (and worst) thing you can say about Season 2 is that it's like Season 1, but not as good. But that doesn't mean it's bad. It's like saying the worst thing about the 96-97 Chicago Bulls was that they didn't get as many wins as the 95-96 Bulls. Still, it does fall short in a few places. For one, the lack of an overarching goal does hurt things a bit, as well as the inevitable feeling of "To Be Continued" which comes with the endings.

Note that I said "endingS" because unlike Season 1, this Season has different endings depending on the decisions you make, and also unlike Season 2, it seems all but certain that the decisions you make in this season will be more significant than simply changing conversation points. Without wishing to spoil, I saw two separate endings (apparently there are 3 but I saw the two that are the most "different") and where Clementine ended up at the end of the game in each was worlds apart. Of course, I have a feeling that these changes will likely be most significant in Episode 1 of Season 3, and by that episode the 2 separate plots will somehow meld into the same plotline. I don't see Telltale making two drastically different narratives within the same Season.

As with most story driven games, some of my issues are with the actual plot but I can't really elaborate on them, although I will delve into one right here that annoyed me the most..
Those of you who are caught up remember that Episode 4 ended with the baby in the mother's dying arms. Remember that this baby was born the night before. Yet throughout the entire 5th episode, this newborn doesn't cry ONCE, or at least not for an entire day. I don't know how many of you have children of your own, but as someone who has a nearly 3 month old at home, the idea that a child that young doesn't cry even for a little bit and therefore not attract some walkers is ludicrous to me. Also, somehow this baby constantly has formula available. Last I checked they didn't have much after Episode 4, and somehow at one point they jump ahead 9 days and yet the kid is doing fine. I realize that in the grand scheme this is rather insignificant, especially when there are more glaring issues such as when Clementine is shot and again, after 9 days of seemingly no treatment, is okay, even though she ends up passing out and having a flashback right after being shot.

Overall Telltale has delivered another powerful and well done interactive narrative. No it isn't as good overall as Season 1 but quite frankly it would be asking too much for them to deliver on such a high note twice in a row. It still tugged at my heartstrings in the end, although I wasn't the bawling mess of a man like I was at the end of Season 1. If for some reason you're interested in this series and still haven't picked it up, there's not better time than now with the 1st season being 75% off and the 2nd being 60%. You could do a whole hell of a lot worse for only $16.23 for both seasons. I give Season 2 an A-.

I'm almost done with Super Mario 3D World, which is good because I need to get it back so that I have an open slot for Destiny.
Well, it kept me up until 1:30am but I was determined to get Wolfenstein back on its way to Gamefly before I left town for the long weekend. I will start by saying that the game isn't perfect but it blew away any expectations I had for it. Like I said in a previous post, I had no interest in this game until the reviews hit. I had never played a Wolfenstein game before and the preview coverage I saw made me think this would be a generic military shooter.

Since the PS4 doesn't have a time tracker like Steam does I really don't know how many hours I put into Wolfenstein. Some of the reviews I read mentioned that it was about 18-20 hours. I wouldn't be surprised if my playtime was closer to 25. There are lots of opportunities to explore and things like health and weapon upgrades to find. I took full advantage of that by checking every nook and cranny for hidden areas and I still didn't come close to finding everything. The point is that this a much beefier campaign than most shooters. For comparison, I remember beating Gears of War Judgement in about 5 hours.

The story was surprisingly good and incredibly dark. At times it is genuinely creepy and I even yelled once or twice because of some jump scares. This isn't a horror game but the atmosphere is great and there are some tense moments. They didn't shy away from the real life atrocities that the Nazis committed. The villains do some terrible things that made me actually get excited for my chance at revenge, where as most video game baddies are just an obstacle to overcome before beating the game. One cutscene, near the end of the game, was actually hard to watch.

There are some eye-roller moments too though. BJ was repeatedly stabbed or grabbed by giant mechs in several cutscenes. They dramatize it to make it look like he is near death and can barely walk only to have him return to his badass ways seconds later. Some of his inner monologue is downright laughable and they even squeezed in a way to take the fight to the moon. Obviously, none of this ruined the experience for me. If anything it lightened the mood after some of the darker story beats.

The gameplay was very good. I really liked the mix of stealth and all out action. I also liked how you are never forced into stealth. Near the end, when I was trying to plow through and get some sleep I completely abandoned stealth. I just dual wielded the massive shotguns and went to town. I gotta say, there is something completely satisfying about charging into a room full of Nazis with dual wielded shotguns and tearing them all up.

In fact, every weapon in the game was satisfying to use. Many shooters give you a handgun that feels worthless. That's not the case here. It didn't matter if I was using the handgun, sniper, shotgun, assault rifle, laser cannon, or a detached turret. Every weapon was capable of getting the job done and they were all fun to use. Not only that but all of them had alternate fire modes and everything but the laser gun and turret were capable of being dual wielded.

One issue that popped up from time to time was crazy difficulty spikes. I was very tempted to lower the difficulty a few times to get through an area. I don't know how anyone could beat this on Uber difficulty. There were also several points where it wasn't clear what I was supposed to do to progress. I had to consult youtube walkthroughs 3 or 4 times. These two issues were pretty frustrating when they popped up.

The last thing I wanted to touch on was the upgrade system. Most games give you XP points that can be used to buy upgrades. There is no XP to be found here. Instead you have to do specific tasks to unlock specific skills from the 4 different upgrade sets. An example from the assault set was killing 3 enemies with dual wield assault riffles without letting go of the trigger on either gun. One from the stealth branch was taking out a certain number of officers with your knives or silenced pistol without being detected. Others are just getting a set number of kills or headshots with a specific weapon. I thought this was a fun way to do this because it had me trying new stuff out instead of just picking a favorite weapon or play style and sticking with it for the majority of the game. By the end of the game BJ was upgraded into such a badass that I could find success with any play style I wanted to use.

I don't want to artificially raise expectations before people play this game for the first time. I think part of the reason I was so happy with it is because I had virtually no expectations going in. That being said, I really liked the game. If you are into FPS single player campaigns I highly recommend checking out Wolfenstein: The New Order.
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Sounds like one for me to keep an eye on. I don't see it coming to me via GF since the fall/winter is so packed, so maybe I'll just bite the bullet and get it for like $20. Maybe trade in some 360 games with a deal or something or wait until there's a GMG/Steam deal.
Well I was going to work on finishing off SMB3DW yesterday online to see my Wii U fire error messages at me like a machine suffering from tourettes. Basically it couldn't read the disc anymore, and what an opportune time as I was just a few stars short of getting into my fight with Bowser. Of course, I could probably venture a wild guess as to what happens storywise. In any case as I said earlier it's the tried and true Mario formula with just a few refinements to make it fun. Still, I would I like to see some real improvements come about next itme. I give it a B. Now basically just waiting for 9/9...
Tonight I found out that Diablo 3 is a great game to play on your Vita while you watch a baseball game. Of course, you have to use remote play from a PS4 to do it. It works really well because the story doesn't matter at all and you can easily grind away while you pay attention to something else. It took me a few minutes to get used to R2 and L2 being mapped to the rear touch pad but everything else translates to the Vita nicely.

In general, I find that I'm liking the console version better than the PC version too. It just fits the TV (where I also do my PC gaming)much better than the PC version does. The problem with the PC version on a TV is that I haven't found a way to easily increase the font size. Maybe there are mods available but I didn't make the effort to find them after searching the game's options. Those tiny fonts make comparing loot stats from across the room on my couch almost impossible. Obviously, those stats are a huge part of the Diablo series so it really hampers the experience.

I got the PC version on sale a while ago and I received the PS4 version as a gift last week. I probably wouldn't have purchased the console version when I already owned it on PC but I'm really glad a friend got it for me.

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Finally got around to finishing the fifth episode of The Walking Dead (s.2) last night and really enjoyed it. The flashback moment was a really nice touch as it allowed you to see how far Clementine had come. Checking the TWD game wiki I see that there are actually 7 different possible endings, though six of them are variations under two different main categories. In spite of everything I did to play Clementine as a diplomat, trying to keep the peace and keep everyone together ...
I got the ending of her alone with AJ in the field, because I just couldn't let Kenny kill Jane. He was totally out of control. And once I learned of Jane's deception, I didn't feel she could be trusted. The problem with getting this ending is that I had planned to do a second playthrough of a sassy, more assertive Clementine, and that ending seems the most appropriate for that path. So I don't know how I'll go at the end of a second run because I never liked Kenny, not even in season 1, and going with Jane in the end will only be a small variation of the final choice I made. I may just replay the final checkpoint to see all the ending variations and then do whatever seems most appropriate once I reach the end of my second playthrough. But yeah, I agree that the no cry baby is a bit of a stretch, especially in the final scene. There is no way walking through a hoard of walkers with a baby, even if sleeping at the moment, should ever be risked. And it's not like Clementine couldn't go a different direction or retreat and wait for them to pass.

I'm also enjoying the two games I could be playing on PS4, but decided I couldn't wait. Ironically, I got really excited about LEGO Marvel Super Heroes after playing a PS4 demo of it in a store, and couldn't resist when I was able to grab the PS3 version in a PSN sale for $8.40. I've played a couple of the more recent LEGO titles over the past few years, and I have to say, Marvel Super Heroes has taken the franchise's animations to a whole new level. And New York City as a hub world is pretty vast and amazing as well. If you like the Marvel Super Hero movies, on which this game is clearly based, and don't mind more juvenile fare and somewhat tedious brick bashing, I highly recommend this.

I also bit the bullet and picked up Madden 15 for the PS3 -- the first title I've bought at full retail price ($60) since Uncharted 3. Though I would probably be disappointed in so-called improvements if I had bought Madden in the two years prior, having not played Madden since Madden 11, I'm really appreciating the differences. Even graphically on the PS3, the game looks amazing, though I'll try to avoid seeing any current-gen store demos of it for the next few months. lol

Lastly on the Vita, like king3pj, I'm always on the lookout for games that can be played while watching sports on the big screen, and Doki Doki Universe (free for Plus members a couple of months ago) fits that bill perfectly. It does get a bit repetitive, as you pretty much do the same thing on each planet you visit, but the humor and personality tests keep it interesting. Because the dialogue is all given in text form, and you don't see the next line until you tap the screen, you never miss anything if your attention is diverted for awhile.
I still haven't played episodes 4 and 5 of The Walking Dead. I need to get on that this weekend before I accidentally spoil it for myself.
I didn't realize there was so many different endings. I have 2 separate saves based on 2 conditions. Maybe I'll do one more. I'm not going to have more than that, and as I said, odds are the decisions you make will likely have the most effect on Episode 1, with everything being reconciled in time for Episode 2.
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I didn't realize there was so many different endings. I have 2 separate saves based on 2 conditions. Maybe I'll do one more. I'm not going to have more than that, and as I said, odds are the decisions you make will likely have the most effect on Episode 1, with everything being reconciled in time for Episode 2.

A part of me says wait until season 3, episode 1, comes out, so I can find out which ending(s) are the best to import before replaying, but by then there's a chance the game will be available for PS4, which I may have by then and there's some question (doubt) as to whether save files can be ported cross-generation anyways (I assume if season 3 is slated for a PS4 release, they'll make the first two seasons available as well). Another option is to wait for a good sale of the Vita version of season 2 before replaying as I already have a complete save for season 1 with different decisions than I made on the PS3.
I approach games with branching story paths like The Walking Dead and Mass Effect a little differently. I just make the choices that feel natural and let it play out. I don't usually want to play the game again making choices that I would never make just to get a slightly different story. There are some exceptions to this but when I try that it just doesn't feel natural to me. My philosophy towards The Walking Dead is that it's just more gripping if I make the choices that feel right and deal with the consequences even if that means a character dies.

Youtube makes it easy to see how things would have played out with different choices without me having to play the game all over again purposely picking the opposite of what I naturally chose last time.
I approach games with branching story paths like The Walking Dead and Mass Effect a little differently. I just make the choices that feel natural and let it play out. I don't usually want to play the game again making choices that I would never make just to get a slightly different story. There are some exceptions to this but when I try that it just doesn't feel natural to me. My philosophy towards The Walking Dead is that it's just more gripping if I make the choices that feel right and deal with the consequences even if that means a character dies.

Youtube makes it easy to see how things would have played out with different choices without me having to play the game all over again purposely picking the opposite of what I naturally chose last time.

I mostly approach it the same way. In fact in my 3+ playthroughs of each of the Mass Effect games, I pretty much always make the same choices and do everything there is to do in the game to generate the best possible outcome (everyone living). What keeps me replaying is the experience of playing different classes, hearing different unique dialogue depending on which squadmates I take on missions, or doing things I missed in my earlier run throughs. (It's my all time favorite series. What can I say?)

I think with the TWD games many of the decisions are more "damned if you do, damned if you don't" in nature, so it's not like going back and doing the negative karma/morality path, which I won't do just for its own sake (only for a platinum trophy :D). For example, I have little interest in replaying The Wolf Among Us to take the more angry/aggressive path to decisions. In fact, when I replayed TWD season 1 on the Vita, I didn't do the "scumbag Lee" approach, I just saved/supported different people. However, for TWD season 2, doing the sassy Clementine does have a certain appeal, though some decisions I'll do the same (like putting the dog out of its misery).

But your comment really reminded me of how I'm struggling to complete another playthrough or two of Beyond Two Souls to get the platinum trophy. Outside of a few opportunities/scenes I missed, I just don't care enough about the alternate endings to sit through multiple 10+ hour playthroughs, partly because the gameplay isn't terribly engaging, as it is for me in Mass Effect.

So I guess ultimately what I'm saying is it depends on how much I've enjoyed a game when it comes to multiple storyline playthroughs.

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