Well I'm about 85% through Crysis 3 and I'm almost ready to throw in the towel. Not because I hit a wall of progress or the game is crashing, but because I simply don't care. I can't remember the last time a game made me so disinterested in the plot, characters, and plight of humanity. If you don't feel like reading into why this is,
Yahtzee's review sums up my feelings pretty well (in a NSFW way.)
Followers of my reviews may remember that I actually quite liked Crysis 2, and I still think it is a good game, but sadly it appears that the forgettable story of that game morphed into complete apathy in this one. I mean Christ, this game came out not even a year after the predecessor. I realize they use the same engine, but I can't remember the last time a game sequel came out like that that wasn't disappointing.
When considering buying this game for the cheap price of $5 I watched a review from IGN where the reviewer declared that the story was "touching" and had a lot of heart. Maybe he was listening to "Sense and Sensibility" on audiobook while playing because I felt none of these things. IF you're wondering about the plot of the game, basically it boils down to aliens invade, and it looks like the defense system is going to blow up the world to eliminate this threat. Yes there's more to it than that but it hardly matters. Like I said, I can't remember the last time I cared so little about saving humanity.
I suppose I should say why I don't care. Let's start with the main character, Prophet. Maybe I felt disinterred in him because I didn't play Crysis 1, the last game he was the protagonist. If you recall in Crysis 2, Prophet basically comes down with AIDS or something along those lines, finds a heavily wounded soldier named Harbinger, throws him in his suit, and then proceeds to blow his own brains out. So C2 had the cool dynamic where even though you were badass in the suit, without it you were basically a paraplegic. Sadly this is lost in this game because Prophet's personality has somehow melded with the suit, and then proceeds to take over Harbinger's. So basically Harbinger is now basically a mode of transportation. Sorry I gave a crap about him in the last game. Also from the Who Gives a sh*t character model is Prophet's partner, Psycho, who again was not in C2 but was a major player in the first one. His voice acting is fine but I honestly didn't care about his plight to find out who removed his suit, and when his love interest died I actually held down the X button to skip the scene because I just wanted to get the game over with.
The more I think about it, the plot series of Crysis seems to parallel quite a bit with that of Mass Effect, where the main character starts off on a simple mission which then leads to him unraveling a much greater plot that could have severe worldwide catastrophic implications, but nearly everyone around seems to agree that said character is just crazy until the aliens invade. But whereas ME made you care by fleshing out the universe with interesting characters, good dialog, and the feeling of choice, Crysis doesn't provide that. As a result while there is literally tons of stuff going on around you, you feel incredibly disattached from it.
Another series that comes to mind in "The RIGHT way to do things" is the Modern Warfare series. As convoluted and crazy as those games became to the point where it seemed to be parodying itself, at least they provided proper context in between missions. Again, this isn't really provided, and oftentimes I would be thrown into missions with little explanation as to how I got from point A to point B. There was one part early on where Psycho and Prophet drive a gas truck through a barricade into a subway, blow it up, and are then left under a ton of rubble with soldiers trying to come after them. But then a minute later we're brought to the next mission where we're suddenly talking with the leader of the rebel army. I don't think it's great storytelling to leave a high climactic and energetic scene to just basically saying, "Oh yeah, everyone's fine from that ordeal."
As far as everything else is concerned, Crysis 3 does the job fine. The shooting mechanics are sound, the stealth option is nice, and of course the game looks gorgeous. Any graphic issues I had with C2 on my 360 were all but eliminated on my gaming PC. Honestly this is one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen and I wasn't even maxing out the graphic detail. But while normally great graphics could heighten the experience and make it more immersive, in this case it seems to just make clearer just how awful everything else is.
So in conclusion, it's hard to recommend Crysis 3 unless you a really in the market for a completely mindless shooter, but if that's the case you're probably better off picking up Serious Sam or Painkiller. I don't see my opinion changing much if I even do decide to finish the game. Assuming I don't and you desperately need a grade, I give it a C-.