Thank you for the Interest in
the SatelliteGuys "PIT"
1) The Pit is open to SatelliteGuys Supporting Pub Members / Founders ONLY. For information on becoming a SatelliteGuys Pub Member please CLICK HERE
2) The Pit is an OPT IN FORUM meaning those who do not want to see the PIT will not have to see it. Those who were members of The Pit in the past may have already have access without needing to join it. For those not wishing to see The Pit you can leave the group at any time by CLICKING HERE.
3) All discussions will be kept family friendly, meaning no swearing.
4) There will be NO FLAMING of other members. Opinions given in the pit are just that, OPINIONS. There are no rights or wrongs when giving an opinion. Flaming others because you do not agree with another members OPINION will not be tolerated. Instead, debate the member in a fun spirited way but understand that others may not agree with your OPINION.
5) Violate any of these rules, then it's 3 strikes and you are out. We want to give you a place to talk with friends. Think of the pit as your favorite local bar where you can talk about the issues with your friends. Once you are out of the Pit you are out for good.
6) Per the forum rules no political discussion is allowed outside “The Pit.” Violation of this rule is subject to normal SatelliteGuys rules and policies.
If you agree to these rules and wish to enter THE PIT
then CLICK
HERE to join THE PIT!
(Note once you are at the next screen,
Look for "Acess The Pit" and click on "Join User Group" - Note it may take up to 24 hours for you to get access to The Pit!)