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  • Users: Trip
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  1. Trip

    Modify to limit scans

    Sounds good. I am not doing it this morning (got to run to Costco!) but hope to begin on my updates overall this afternoon, so no rush on this. - Trip
  2. Trip

    Modify to limit scans

    Folks, I started the process of updating the documentation for the Live Bandscan today. I moved the instructions off the main page and into separate pages for each operating system linked from the "Next Steps" page that I e-mail to people after they sign up. I'm about to have to run out for...
  3. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    Looks like we're done. Live Bandscan is running again. Thanks so much for your patience, and please see the blog post about the restoration:! - Trip
  4. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    Pretty much everyone should be back on the primary server now. You can tell because the red text under the logo at the top will tell you, and also, the temp server now just has placeholder text on it. The Live Bandscan is down for the file copy but should be coming back online shortly. - Trip
  5. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    Folks, we're gearing up to move back to the primary server within the next hour. When the database restore is done, I'm going to change the DNS, wait about 10 minutes (the TTL is set to 5 minutes, so most people shouldn't have an issue), then kill the temp server to ensure a clean break on the...
  6. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    To provide an update, we got the primary server reloaded--correctly, this time!--this morning around 9:30AM ET. I've been working on getting it set back up ever since. It won't be done today for sure. I'm going to coordinate with Russ on the exact timing so the Live Bandscan can be moved back...
  7. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    I'm not going to start the setup just yet; I forgot to have him change a BIOS setting so the operating system has to be reloaded again. D'oh! But it went quickly and smoothly otherwise, so once that's resolved, I'll get everything loaded back up and then at some point, maybe over the weekend...
  8. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    I'm not sure. I was hoping to have the MemTest going by now but I know my contact at Silica Broadband was out and about today and I wouldn't blame him if he just went home after his lengthy day in the field. I pay nothing and depend on his generosity in both hosting and time, so since I'm not...
  9. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    The best news on the situation now is that I have a full backup. Nothing has been lost, and the temp server just finished getting updated with today's LMS data now that it's become available for the first time since last week. The good news is that the VPS is holding up pretty well. I just...
  10. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    Well, the server went down on me pretty hard this evening, and I've moved to the temp server. Note that the temp server does not have the Live Bandscan set up on it. Going to try to get it up and running again tomorrow long enough to make sure I have the full backup and then try to have Silica...
  11. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    Glad to. It's still deleting old rows. (I've been doing it in chunks, to allow the database update process and backups and things to happen in a timely fashion.) As of this moment, it's deleted everything not tied to a user name that had not been viewed since before October 17, 2022. Those...
  12. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    To update on this situation, per Scott's advice, I've been setting up a copy of RabbitEars on the same host that Scott now uses for SatelliteGuys. It's good in multiple ways; it will allow the site to stay up while the server is being reloaded, and also gives me a chance to actually try doing...
  13. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    Forgot to update this morning. So suffice it to say I did get it back up and running. I'm still hoping the server can continue to limp along in its current state until I get home next weekend. I'm out of town supporting a surgery recovery and it'd be a lot better to be in my normal...
  14. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    Well. Suffice it to say the server is not as stable as it appeared. It was throwing far fewer disk errors, but suddenly went kaput about an hour ago. Disk went read-only again, so I can still get in and look at the data, at least. I've already grabbed this morning's database backups and a...
  15. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    I've made the decision to push the disk replacement to at least Thursday. Got personal life things going on Tuesday and Wednesday and I'd rather not be scrambling. It went five hours without a disk error before throwing a few more. It looks like it's unhappy with a single sector, but I'm...
  16. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    I'd do it eventually because I want the extra disk space and I want to reload the system in a different way to redo the configuration for easier remote management. (For those who know, I set it up with BIOS RAID-1 when I have come to the conclusion that I really should have done software RAID-1...
  17. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    Well, the new gear arrived kind of late in the day today so the backups are just now finishing. I'm testing "restoring" the database backup on my local computer and it claims it's going to take 15 hours. Now while my local computer here is not as speedy as the server, if it's going to take a...
  18. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    Knock on wood, I've been having good luck with my backups so far. So good, in fact, that I went ahead and reenabled the Signal Search Map this morning and have made some updates, but have left the Blog which is far less used. I'll do another full database backup to restore from tomorrow...
  19. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    One or more of the disks is definitely on the way out. I've worked with Dave at Silica Broadband and we have a plan to hopefully replace both disks and load a fresh operating system install by Monday evening. So don't be shocked if it's up and down until then; it's very clearly unhappy and...
  20. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    The logs ended before the outage, but it's complaining earlier in the logs about disk issues. Might have to try to move up my visit out there to replace things... - Trip
  21. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    Yep. Note sent off to Silica Broadband. Server's acting up again, but no idea yet what's going on specifically today. - Trip
  22. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    Blog post: Today's Lengthy Outage - RabbitEars Blog - Trip
  23. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    We're back. I'll be making a blog post on the RabbitEars Blog about the outage later today. - Trip
  24. Trip

    Aware of the RabbitEars Outage

    I'm aware of the current outage. - Trip
  25. Trip

    WAQP-49 RF36 Question for Trip

    I hope it helps. - Trip