Recent content by hwm

  1. hwm

    Contest: Enter to Win a Titanium Satellite PLL C-band LNBF - Ends Oct. 20, 2014

    The C1PLL with wifi filter would be great.
  2. hwm

    125W and low Q

    125w Ku PBS is marginal here in north central Idaho with a fixed 90cm dish. Any bad weather on my end will make the weaker transponders unusable. Also noticed the fluctuating signal levels on PBS transponders others have mentioned, even during perfect weather at my end. Interestingly, I have...
  3. hwm

    Contest: Enter to Win an Amiko mini HD SE from Titanium Satellite - Ends 5/27/2014

    I bought my first FTA receiver and dish in 2008, to get all the good free channels on 123W, at that time. Soon added a second dish from CraigsList for History and Biography on 101w. Now I have 8 LNBFs on 5 dishes, including a ten foot C-band with 3 LNBFs.
  4. hwm

    old cnx mini user about 4 to 5 years ago

    I bought a new cnx mini cheap on ebay when they "went out of fashion" and used it for true FTA, until I bought an Openbox S10. The CNX Mini is a nice SD FTA receiver with PVR to USB drive feature. It was much less trouble than the OpenBox. I would still be using it, if it was HD capable. Now...
  5. hwm

    Neusat Sp-6000

    I uploaded the Neusat sP6000 Standard OEM factory firmware to this site. It worked fine on my cheap eBay Neusat SP6000 Standard, which I no longer have. Don't know what the wait to save message is all about. If you have scanned in new channels or edited the channel list, it might be saving...
  6. hwm

    FTA book?

    When I began in this hobby, I looked for such a book and came up empty. Read the FAQs on this site and some others, and jumped in. With such a limited target audience, I don't think a print publisher would touch it. Maybe self-publish on Kindle? I've never written a book. Done lots of...
  7. hwm

    AMC21 reception issue resolved

    My experience agrees completely with the OP. I too was suffering pixelation and dropouts with signal quality jumping wildly on my 90cm dish for 125w Ku PBS. After installing a new Titanium Ku PLL LNB from the ebay seller Hypermegasat, the signal quality is noticeably more stable, although not...
  8. hwm

    Toshiba HDTV remote works with MicroHD too -- sort of.

    My MicroHD is in a cabinet at floor level, about 3 feet under the Toshiba TV, and fully shielded from the LCD TV screen by several large shelves above it. It is also behind a glass door. It makes no difference if glass door is open or shut. I tried a Vizio universal remote set up for the...
  9. hwm

    Toshiba HDTV remote works with MicroHD too -- sort of.

    Odd thing is, the MicroHD remote has no effect on the Toshiba TV. I wonder if this issue can be addressed by a firmware update. Since the MicroHD remote does not affect the Toshiba TV the IR codes used are not identical. Could the STB firmware be changed/upgraded to make its IR code...
  10. hwm

    microHD, X2 Premium HD receivers and Titanium PLL-1KS LNB

    Good results with this new LNB on 125w PBS HD feeds. I recently installed one of these new Titanium PLL Ku LNBFs on the 90cm GeosatPro dish that we use for the PBS feeds on 125w. The increase in signal stability over the JSC321 that it replaced is very noticeable. It was too cold to do...
  11. hwm

    Toshiba HDTV remote works with MicroHD too -- sort of.

    The only complaint I have with my MicroHD is that it will respond to many of the IR signals from the remote for our 50" Toshiba LCD HDTV. I put the MicroHD down at floor level in the TV cabinet, and we aim high for the TV, low for the MicroHD. Other than that, we love the MicroHD. It never...
  12. hwm

    Contest: Enter to Win a Titanium Satellite ASC1 Actuator and Polarity Controller - Ends 01/02/2014 M

    We're a little nuts. At family gatherings around Christmas my brother and I crack walnuts by holding them in one hand and slamming them quickly against our foreheads. This nutty business started when we were teenagers in the 1970s. Not all that hard to do. Just turn the walnut so the ridge is...
  13. hwm

    Equipment Supplier Question?

    I installed my 90cm GeosatPro dish on a pipe set into the ground in concrete. The J-arm dish mount that was included is very sturdy, and you should not have any problems using it as a wall mount. Just be sure to use the two extra side support arms. It is a large and heavy (for Ku band) dish. I...
  14. hwm

    Equipment Supplier Question?

    I have a GeosatPro MicroHD and we love it. My only criticism is that our new Toshiba TV's remote interferes with the MicroHD operation if the MicroHD catches the TV remote's signal. Also have a GeosatPro 90cm Ku dish, and it is the best Ku dish I own. SatelliteAv is a first class outfit to...