Welcome Kevin (N0QCU)

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I would like to offer a (belated) welcome to Kevin aka N0qcu to our staff!

Besides loving SatelliteGuys, he also loves his HDTV!

Kevin has been helping me out with some of the behind the scenes operations of the board for awhile now. :)

Please help me welcome Kevin!
Scott Greczkowski said:
I would like to offer a (belated) welcome to Kevin aka N0qcu to our staff!

Besides loving SatelliteGuys, he also loves his HDTV!

Kevin has been helping me out with some of the behind the scenes operations of the board for awhile now. :)

Please help me welcome Kevin!

Welcome Kevin by the way sorry to be off topic what class ham ticket do you hold. I have my General.

73 Bob Hale N1WBD
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