Upgrading Wow internet speed ?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 3, 2009
I currently have WOW internet for about 5 yrs with only 10mps max speed.They have offered to upgrade my speed to 100mps for $5 more per month..I have my own arris modem and checked the model to make sure its capable of 100mps.. Check's out OK..Real question is that for last 4yrs the basic cable I had before dropping the cable is still working on 3 TV's with no converter..Anyone know if changing speed to just 100 will affect my tv?.kinda hate loosing the basic cable that they give me
I currently have WOW internet for about 5 yrs with only 10mps max speed.They have offered to upgrade my speed to 100mps for $5 more per month..I have my own arris modem and checked the model to make sure its capable of 100mps.. Check's out OK..Real question is that for last 4yrs the basic cable I had before dropping the cable is still working on 3 TV's with no converter..Anyone know if changing speed to just 100 will affect my tv?.kinda hate loosing the basic cable that they give me
Going from 10 to 100 for just $5 more per month is a great deal. What are the terms? I don't think that the two (cable/internet) are related in regard to speed. To increase your internet speed should just require them to flash your modem with an update.
I have to call the loyalty department every year and they keep my the same at $30 per month for the 10 said that would just be 1 yr contract for $35 for the 100mps..When my wife's mom passed away we took over her account..its been active for 20+ yrs..We called trying to close the account and they wanted copy of death certificate..and couple other things.. what a joke so we just kept it transferred hers to our address..
I have to call the loyalty department every year and they keep my the same at $30 per month for the 10 said that would just be 1 yr contract for $35 for the 100mps..When my wife's mom passed away we took over her account..its been active for 20+ yrs..We called trying to close the account and they wanted copy of death certificate..and couple other things.. what a joke so we just kept it transferred hers to our address..

Best way to close the account in that situation is not to pay the bill :)
Almost did that but realized she had been with them for such a long time and always paid on time that the loyalty dept.works a little harder for you..My wifey just gives them the info like they are talking to her mom..I was mistaken in my post..its 30mps for $35 flat fee per month with 1yr agreement..Like you said we could cancel anytime this way LoL.. Didn't effect the cable.. still have 120+ cable channels..

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Comcast to raise prices

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