New Beta Available - TimeTrax Recast V 1.5.30

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Nothing to report since last night...of course, I didn't have any of those funny folders since I had re-installed the beta27. The beta30 has been running for 10 hours and changed 3 channels A O K.

As far as those strange folders...I went through all the odd recordings, and found that the first part of the file always started in the strange folder, and the second part ended in the correct one...of course, this had essentially cut the track in two, causing a nasty these tracks, about 12 in all, ended up pretty well fouled up.

The new patient is on the table...the doctor is in...but the jury is out...these things take lock-ups running through a few timer menus and back, though. Still needs a lot more hammering yet...
cmaier said:
what are the changes?

Whoops.... I thought I had posted the changes,

- Fixed the Scheduler and fixed the "abnormal characters" that were reported.
- Fixed an issue that new users were experiencing with the "waiting for channel load" before they registered the radio

There are a couple other fixes as well. Basically we are working on all the reported errors of course the prior fixes are there too.

Dr.Woo said:
Nothing to report since last night...of course, I didn't have any of those funny folders since I had re-installed the beta27. The beta30 has been running for 10 hours and changed 3 channels A O K.

As far as those strange folders...I went through all the odd recordings, and found that the first part of the file always started in the strange folder, and the second part ended in the correct one...of course, this had essentially cut the track in two, causing a nasty these tracks, about 12 in all, ended up pretty well fouled up.

The new patient is on the table...the doctor is in...but the jury is out...these things take lock-ups running through a few timer menus and back, though. Still needs a lot more hammering yet...

Keep at it Dr.

We believe the strange folders was due to the odd characters popping up in the channel listing.

That should be fixed.

So far, only 1 issue noticed...I have had verrrrrrry long "waiting for channel load" periods when starting up...not every time, but long enough that I gave up and quit the program and started it up again. The re-start of the program did not take an overly-long time for the channel load to complete...but I have had it happen more than once when starting up the program.

No lock-ups experienced (yet!), and I have bounced between the timer and back quite a bit (that is usually when it would quit responding for me). All the timed channel changes have been executed properly as well.

I just installed the new Creative Labs Audigy2zS drivers which were released 5 days ago, so who knows what kind of a mess that may lead me into, but (like the guy who jumps out of the 10th floor) not bad at all!

It took a week before the folder issues showed up, so I'm keeping my socks on, but this release has been the best functioning for me. Could it BE?
It still phones home and is therefore still useless and unwanted by many of us. Is there any chance of getting the 3.5 beta that was given to folks like dserianni to solve some of their issues. Or are the paying customers of TT supposed to get stuck with a nonworking product all the way around. An old version that doesn't work. And a new product that may have the bugfixes promised for the old version (verbal and written contract, thus binding legal agreement), but does not work due the insane and paranoid requirement of a constant internet connection.
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This version has really been performing well. I have not tried pulling out my internet connection...but I have beaten on it fairly good in other ways that killed earlier versions. It would seem very reasonable to not require an internet connection at all...there are a lot of different ways to authorize a piece of software and lock it down without needing to phone home. I hope that the developers have taken this message in...and the fact that they could sell to those who have dial-up only, or no internet connection at all!

I know quite a few who would be happy with a USB dongle-style key, or other register-once method. Hell, I'd be willing to pay an extra $5 for a dongle version, if that is what it would take...after all, this should essentially be a wireless technology. You aren't doing much more than the XM2GO does already, except increasing the storage time...and that is an infinately portable device.

Certainly, Recast lends itself to greater things than XM2GO can do, but it would seem that it has just recently become functional...I just hope that it doesn't break the next time something new gets added. Shedding the requirement for the internet would certainly make it much more user-friendly...c'mon guys...your customers are waiting!
Thanks for the feedback Dr.

The Internet connection requirement has been beaten to death and we are taking it into consideration.

There are many new improvements planned for TimeTrax, however we wanted to make sure that we had a stable product to account for the ever changing methods that the providers use to broadcast their stream.

We also feel that we have a good product and based on all the feedback a release version is just around the corner.

We thank everyone that has participated in helping us test this latest beta and I assure you that when it goes to a release version there will no no variation from the stable beta to the release.


dserianni said:
The Internet connection requirement has been beaten to death and we are taking it into consideration.

And yet it's still there without a REASONABLE explanation. The security incident stuff is pure Bravo Sierra as a reason for this imposition upon your customers. Especially given that if you do a search of all the file sharing P2P networks, newsgroups, Google, and every Famous Crack and Warez site on the web the only TimeTrax stuff that comes up is fake Virus/Trojans pretending to be this software, TimeTrax Productivity Tracking Software, and TimeTrax Time Management. Not 1 version of this software in classic or recast form. I know, I did the search after reading some shill poster claim they found tons of versions of your product (except they made the mistake of including false versions that never existed {versions of the productivity stuff}). That just proves that the registration mechanism, having it tied to a radio ID, and going on-line for the initial activation were more than enough and this whole constant connection stuff if unnecessary. Further proof that it is unnecessary is the fact that any LEGITIMATE SOFTWARE THAT DOES NOT SPY on it's customers DOES NOT require such constant network connectivity. The 100% and ONLY excuse for this requirement IS TO SPY ON YOUR CUSTOMERS!

You continue to ignore your customer and are not providing the upgrades promised without forcing us to be spied upon. So please provide a real and concrete time-frame we can expect the product without the phone home SPYWARE. Or at the very least release v3.5 that you, dserianni, were provided at one point that fixed some of the v3.4 problems you were having, such as cutting songs short and weekday only schedules getting stuck on Friday or after Friday.
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Thanks for all the feedback and testing.

This particular beta is now closed.

A release will be out shortly.

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TimeTrax Release 1.6

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