George Lucas Announces Star Wars on Blu-Ray at Celebration V


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 3, 2007
Heres the link to the story | George Lucas Announces Star Wars on Blu-Ray at Celebration V

The Star Wars saga will at long last be released in a high-definition home video format as all six movies come to Blu-Ray in a Box Set in Fall 2011, as announced by George Lucas this morning at Celebration V. At the fan convention's Main Event, thousands of Star Wars fans braved the muggy heat of an Orlando morning to queue for a one-time only stage session between George Lucas and The Daily Show's Jon Stewart. Stewart asked Lucas questions submitted from the fan community, and one of the most frequently asked questions submitted online prior to the Main Event was about the saga's release on Blu-Ray.
"I wish I could say it was coming out this year," said Lucas, "but it will come out next year."

The set will feature all six live-action Star Wars feature films, with the highest picture and audio quality, along with extensive special features.

Star Wars fans were treated to a glimpse of bonus material, in the form of a long-lost deleted scene from Return of the Jedi. The scene has long been talked about online -- a sequence that depicts Luke Skywalker assembling his new, green-bladed lightsaber prior to infiltrating Jabba the Hutt's palace. After completing the Jedi weapon, Luke stashes it in R2-D2's dome. What makes the Jedi deleted clip so remarkable is that it made it all the way to postproduction before it was cut, so it is a rare example of a cut scene with completed visual effects and music.

Actor Mark Hamill came out to describe the scene, remarking that once again his original introduction in a Star Wars film was cut out (his Anchorhead introduction was, of course, cut from A New Hope). Luke's intro is purposely played as ominous, with his face cowled in shadows and his intentions unclear."I had the black cloak, the glove, and I thought, wow, this time around I get to be the antagonist. Little did I know I was predicting the path of the prequels," said Hamill, noting the similarities to Luke in this scene and Anakin Skywalker's appearance.

Keep checking for more updates from Celebration V as the weekend continues.
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I posted this back in April of 2010...

Rumor from The Digital Bits: Celebrating Film on Disc - DVD & Blu-ray

This is a rare Saturday post with some important breaking news: Lucasfilm's Steve Sansweet has reportedly confirmed, during a panel today at the C2E2 comic convention in Chicago, that the company is now working on a Blu-ray Disc box set of all six Star Wars films loaded with extras, for release "in the not too distant future." We're awaiting any kind of official statement from Lucasfilm - one MAY appear on Star in the coming days. Nonetheless, MANY people who were in the panel began Tweeting reports of the news almost the moment the words left Sansweet's mouth. IGN has also reported the news with an actual quote from Sansweet: "We have been at work for a couple of years working on - I won't call it the Ultimate Set because we keep finding stuff - but, a very full set of all six movies on Blu-ray with lots of extra material. We're finding all kinds of scenes from dailies that have never been seen before. Beyond all of those things that you know about... there are some real treasures." There is no other official information at this time, but we'll post additional details when and if they come in. HOWEVER...

Consider this Rumor Mill-worthy, but our own industry sources have actually been checking in with us in recent weeks on this very subject. Our latest information is that Lucasfilm tentatively plans the official Blu-ray release to happen in October 2011. Now, we've been hearing reports like this on and off for years, and until now little has come of it. So we've been waiting to say something here on The Bits until we had a hint of more official confirmation. But now that Sansweet has begun talking about the release, we feel more comfortable reporting on the word from our sources. Plans could obviously change and again, even though Sansweet has hinted that it's coming, none of this constitutes an official announcement. But if current plans remain unchanged, our sources say you'll be enjoying The Force in 1080p next October.

Again, we'll post additional updates as they come in. Stay tuned...
Well, they aren't in much of a hurry on this. What do they have working, one pseron who is still a student learning the Blu Ray authoring program? 15 months to build menus for 6 BluRay titles and do art work is painfully slow. Put 3 experienced tech people on it and it would be done in 5 weeks without even breaking a sweat or skipping lunch breaks.
Well, they aren't in much of a hurry on this. What do they have working, one pseron who is still a student learning the Blu Ray authoring program? 15 months to build menus for 6 BluRay titles and do art work is painfully slow. Put 3 experienced tech people on it and it would be done in 5 weeks without even breaking a sweat or skipping lunch breaks.

You can build a disc quickly, but it takes time to build a good feeding frenzy.
George never rushes. He does what he wants when he wants. I speak from first hand knowledge. Anyone spreading "rumors or talking" from within Lucas is subject to firing.

Thi$ i$ $omething I'm looking forward to. But I'm concerned about $omething, I just can't quite make out what it i$.

I'd better $tart $aving up now. I'm gonna have to have it.
I am surprised he did not do LOTR/Avatar route and release a theatrical version only with no extras, followed by the new released versions followed by deluxe choose your version with tons of extras to really milk the cow.
I can't wait for these to come. I was there for the announcement too. :D

Back to the Future trilogy -Oct 26

Scott Pilgrim: verses the world

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