Charlie Chat... Chat TONIGHT!

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Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
As you may know I started hosting Charlie Chat... Chat's a long time ago before there was even a DBSTalk.

I plan on keeping the tradition of the Charlie Chat... Chat's alive here at SatelliteGuys!

As you know on Monday Night there will be a special HDTV Edition of the Charlie Chat, the question is should we hold our own chat or should we wait until next month.

Setting up a chat here is NO problem! So it's up to you if we have a chat tommorow night or not. :)
Since the TV is in another room, I will have a hard time watching the Charlie Chat, and chatting here...

But I would be interested in chatting after the Charlie Chat.....hope others are too...


I keep my tv and computer in the same room because I watch tv while I am on the computer.
shame we can't stream the video of the chat on the same page as the chat window. then everyone can just open a web page and watch and chat at the same time. I wonder if it's technically feasable?
Airing of the chat is VERY technical feasable. :)

However to do so I would need permission from Dish Network as the show is copyrighted by them.

If I did do it I believe I would only air the audio and not the full video stream.
That would be good for those who don't have Dish. :p
Looks like we WILL hold a chat here tonight, I will post full details of how to access the chat later today! :)
Scott Greczkowski said:
Airing of the chat is VERY technical feasable. :)

However to do so I would need permission from Dish Network as the show is copyrighted by them.

If I did do it I believe I would only air the audio and not the full video stream.

Microsoft media encoder is a nice piece of software.... athough I am sure there might be other ways, I doubt there is something as simple and as cheap (free) to stream audio/video. Although I wonder how much bandwidth it takes to stream video to large amounts of people....

Sorry, going off topic a little. Chat sounds good tonight. I'll try to check it out here.
If I did audio of the chat I would use a MP3 based streaming format like Shoutcat, this format is listenable in almost any media player and it does not require a lot of bandwidth.

I also own a RealServer license which would enable me to stream live audio or video. :) Of course the downside of this is the Realplayer would be needed to view the streams and the Real player is a resource hog.
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