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  1. 1080iBeVuMin

    Now here is a read...

    How about this.... I haven't had TV service since VOOM DBS went out of business in 2005. ALL I wanted were the 40 VOOM HD channels! Don't care about mainstream channels. The PQ of Voom on Dish was never as good as the VOOM DBS, from what I heard, so I never got Dish after VOOM DBS died...
  2. 1080iBeVuMin

    Samsung Updates BD-P1200 Firmware

    Hey! I answered my own question. There is a new firmware update 2.3 which came out just 4 days ago. I updated my BD-P1200 with this new update, and I can now play 3:10 TO YUMA. Woo Hoo! :up Here's the firmware update link: BD-P1200 Firmware Update Version 2.3 Improves the BD-P1200's...
  3. 1080iBeVuMin

    Samsung Updates BD-P1200 Firmware

    Ouch! Tried to show 3:10 TO YUMA today. Tried 2 different BD thinking it could be the disc. Nope, my BD-P1200 will not show this film even with the firmware update of 2/8/08. Anybody know if there is an answer or new update??? TIA!
  4. 1080iBeVuMin

    Should we do this???

    Scott, this forum is *GREAT* as is. Any reader has the ability to report a post with one click if it bothers him or her. The reader must decide "Can I handle the free speech of this other guy? Or am I going to run to the mods for censorship?" Judgment trumps any rigid censorship rule.
  5. 1080iBeVuMin

    Samsung Updates BD-P1200 Firmware

    putterboy, you are the man!! :bow :hatsoff: :bow :hatsoff: Thanks, I will do that! And long live for this great forum! :up
  6. 1080iBeVuMin

    Do Forums matter

    You gotta be kidding! Forums have great value in sharing info, learning, making individual choices, venting, persuading, camaraderie. But this chatter influencing the outcome of the format war??? Hmmm... anybody wanna buy a bridge here in San Francisco?
  7. 1080iBeVuMin

    Blu-Ray royalties

    Interesting article: Blu-ray victory means royalties, royalties, royalties This article has a few interesting tidbits about royalties in the DVD and CD industry and how it will apply now to Blu-Ray. Also about China's dislike for paying DVD royalties and their desire to have their own...
  8. 1080iBeVuMin

    WHO will release on Blu-ray and not standard DVD FIRST?

    None. The next "exclusive" video format will be some kind of UDTV. 4k x 4k pixels. HD format is only a slight improvement over standard DVD considering all the great upconverting players. So let's start a poll...... when do you think we will see UDTV as an optional video format?
  9. 1080iBeVuMin

    What made you choose the format you did

    I just made a lucky guess last July that Blu-Ray would win, so I took the plunge. Or maybe it was my great genius! :D :D :D :rolleyes:
  10. 1080iBeVuMin

    Samsung Sued Over Blu-ray Player (1200)

    Oh, I could probably download and apply the previous firmware the same way as this one. But I will probably wait and watch for another upgrade release. Surely others will notice and report the problem, and Samsung will do something about it. Surely! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  11. 1080iBeVuMin

    Samsung Updates BD-P1200 Firmware

    As I posted in another thread... I updated my BD-P1200 firmware, and now analog 5.1 doesn't seem to work correctly. I hate upgrades! They have problems more often than not. :mad:
  12. 1080iBeVuMin

    Samsung Sued Over Blu-ray Player (1200)

    Second shoe drops.... I updated the firmware in my BD-P1200 for this, and now analog 5.1 doesn't seem to work correctly. Hmmm...... I should have stayed with the previous firmware. :mad:
  13. 1080iBeVuMin

    Samsung Updates BD-P1200 Firmware

    elwaylite, many thanks for posting this upgrade! :) I probably would never have heard of the upgrade without your post and without Happy BD viewing!
  14. 1080iBeVuMin

    Samsung Sued Over Blu-ray Player (1200)

    Fortunately that's not ALL 1200's, only the BD-01200 which I suppose was the original 1200. Mine is the BD-P1200, and it plays every BD I can throw at it.
  15. 1080iBeVuMin


    Thanks, diogen. Great posts.
  16. 1080iBeVuMin


    Thanks. I get that. But then, WHY does everybody keep referring to "much higher production costs" for Blu-Ray over HD DVD ??? If that was the only difference, it would be one tweak! Seems to me, there is some kind of bigger technological hurdle to jump with Blu-Ray production -- much...
  17. 1080iBeVuMin

    NO new BD rentals from BlockBuster Online? wtf?

    The other shoe drops! Moments ago I received this email from Blockbuster Online: They are completely revising their website which will be available "in January". They include this link to review their site revisions. Looks like a BIG improvement in layout. But they better update...
  18. 1080iBeVuMin


    That's one way to say it. But doesn't that also mean that HD DVD is far less expensive to *PIRATE* than Blu-Ray? Making HD DVD economically feasible for "smaller and independent" pirates to copy and sell a wider variety of titles? Could this be one big reason why the "powers that be"...
  19. 1080iBeVuMin

    NO new BD rentals from BlockBuster Online? wtf?

    I am talking about newly released Blu-Ray titles! Go to Blockbuster Online*-*Welcome to Blockbuster. Select "Browse Movies" in the first column. Select "Blu-Ray DVD" in the second column. All the Blu-Ray titles listed have been on there for MONTHS! But if you search a brand new release...
  20. 1080iBeVuMin

    NO new BD rentals from BlockBuster Online? wtf?

    Thanks, man! :hatsoff: I never thought to try that. You are right... I just checked a recent title and found a BD version. But the very same BD version is not listed in their BD new releases section. That is really STUPID of BlockBuster not to keep their BD New Releases section updated...
  21. 1080iBeVuMin

    Should I wait???????????

    If you really don't mind waiting, you are always better off waiting. You will get better technology or the same technology for a lot less. Just like digital cameras or any fast moving technology. The only downside is you miss watching some great Hi Def. Your call.
  22. 1080iBeVuMin

    NO new BD rentals from BlockBuster Online? wtf?

    Now that you mention it.... hmmmm.....
  23. 1080iBeVuMin

    NO new BD rentals from BlockBuster Online? wtf?

    Did you go with NETFLIX? Do you know if they a lot better about staying current with BD titles??
  24. 1080iBeVuMin

    NO new BD rentals from BlockBuster Online? wtf?

    Do any of you rent BD from Blockbuster Online? I subscribe, and I am pissed that they still show the same 30 pages of BD titles for almost 6 months. No new BD titles in a long time! My BD queue is just about empty, and I am going to cancel my subscription if they don't have some new BD...
  25. 1080iBeVuMin

    Think Blu-ray has it easy in 2008? NPD says not so fast

    And me with my Samsung 1200. :up :up :up I haven't found a BD title that it won't play. (yet)