Recent content by SabresRule

  1. SabresRule

    Random Thoughts- the Final Edition

    This is the hardest and most emotional thing I've ever had to write on here, but after 6 years of sports chatting and discussing with my fellow SatelliteGuys guys and girls, I have made the decision that it's time for me to step down as a member on here and leave this site to the next generation...
  2. SabresRule

    2014 NFL Season

  3. SabresRule

    2014 MLB Season

    John Lackey had himself a brief, but eventful Red Sox career. He was the big-contract savior, then had a bloated ERA, Tommy John, the divorce, the weight, chicken and beer, the rededication last year, out-Verlandering Verlander in Detroit in October, getting the WS clinching win.
  4. SabresRule

    2014 NBA Playoffs

    Personally, I think Miami should cut ties with Wade.
  5. SabresRule

    2014 Stanley Cup Playoffs

    Well, given that we've had only 2 Cup Finals that didn't go 6 games since 1999, guess it couldn't last forever.
  6. SabresRule

    2014 Stanley Cup Playoffs

    Well, we saw what the Penguins and Bruins did overcoming 2-0 series deficits in the SCF. The way NY played at times... if they got blown out, I'd be worried. But after I (and Bill) saw Boston drop 2 heartbreakers to start the 2011 Finals in Vancouver, and how they responded, I'm gonna wait...
  7. SabresRule

    2014 NBA Playoffs

    I don't know how to approach these Finals. On one hand, I feel it's a bit of a letdown after that wildly unpredictable first round where you felt anything was possible. On the other hand.... well, they are great teams. The sports romanticist in me sometimes thinks outside of the box. I thought...
  8. SabresRule

    2014 Stanley Cup Playoffs

    Bill, I think we need to resurrect the Mike Myers Sports Team that doesn't die reference to these LA Kings.
  9. SabresRule

    2014 NBA Playoffs

    So, the conference finals are essentially what everyone picked back in October After that awesome first round, what a freaking letdown. Nobody made that breakthrough to round 3 to give us something new and different. I thought the Wizards/Clippers were poised to breakthrough, but alas. Chalk...
  10. SabresRule

    2014 Stanley Cup Playoffs

    At this point, why bother being a Sharks fan? Sometimes, enough is enough.
  11. SabresRule

    2014 NBA Playoffs

    Atlanta doesn't exactly have a history of playoff toughness, so it's not like you can trust them either.
  12. SabresRule

    2014 NBA Playoffs

    Miami seems a bit more vulnerable compared to previous years. Those teams had something different fueling them. Year 1- Silence the haters Year 2- Finish the job in the Finals Year 3- Repeat What's the battle cry in year 4 besides threepeat? Indy doesn't give that same vibe of a worthy...
  13. SabresRule

    2014 Stanley Cup Playoffs

    I didn't make any series/predictions or whatever, but Detroit is my pick to win the Cup.
  14. SabresRule

    NCAA Basketball 2013-14 season

    UConn- 2 point guards and pray for rain, but it was good enough.
  15. SabresRule

    2014 NFL off-season thread

    Ralph Wilson- the many who made football possible in Buffalo. As a lifelong Bills fan, thanks for making it possible to be a Bills fan in the first place.