Recent content by Poorsha

  1. Poorsha

    Questions about Canceling

    Not true.
  2. Poorsha

    Denial of Service

    You accepted the contract terms, thus it is not a 1 way contract.
  3. Poorsha

    service call survey?

    It generally takes several days to receive the survey. Be patient.
  4. Poorsha

    Team Summit 2022 Wrap Up Video!

    I am in the LA market.
  5. Poorsha

    Team Summit 2022 Wrap Up Video!

    I had an attempt by a knowledgeable installer today. He tried 2 different Hopper+ boxes, neither of which would work. Apparently they are Not Ready For Primetime. 2 hours of wasted time for him and me. He stated right upfront that they have many issues, and unfortunately that is true. I am...
  6. Poorsha

    Hopper 4(Is One Coming)??

    Thank you Scott.
  7. Poorsha

    Hopper 4(Is One Coming)??

    Any word on when the Hopper Plus will be available?
  8. Poorsha

    DISH Fights for a Fair Deal, Tegna Prioritizes Greed above Consumers

    Boycott the Networks. Without local viewers they would be in trouble. The networks need to step up and pressure the greedy affiliates.
  9. Poorsha

    Sinclair warns of 112 channels being dropped by DISH next Monday (8/16)

    Apparently Overcast. At least for now.
  10. Poorsha

    Dish And ATT sign Deal !

    Not all corporate mergers are bad.
  11. Poorsha

    DISH to Become National Facilities-based Wireless Carrier

    T-Mobile does NOT charge extra for 5G.
  12. Poorsha

    Dish anywhere trouble

    No problem with iPhone XR and ios14.