Widescreen Review


Hardly Normal
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Apr 14, 2006
Normal, IL
At the CEDIA reception, all of the attendees who wanted one were given a free one year subscription to Widescreen Review. My first copy came a few weeks ago, but I just had the opportunity to sit down and read it.

Great magazine! Thanks again for this. This is one gift from the reception that will keep on giving! :D
Very cool.

We are actually working on something with Widescreen Review which hopefully you see sometime in the future. :)

Great Publication!
At the CEDIA reception, all of the attendees who wanted one were given a free one year subscription to Widescreen Review. My first copy came a few weeks ago, but I just had the opportunity to sit down and read it.

Great magazine! Thanks again for this. This is one gift from the reception that will keep on giving! :D
I'd say "Thanks!" as well, but I haven't seen any Widescreen Review in the mailbox. I didn't have anything to write down my address at the CEDIA party, but I did e-mail John my mailing address afterwards.

(maybe my postal employee is looking for a new HD and "borrowed" it?):(
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I should have thanked you explicitly for the subscription. I am enjoying it - and will become a paying customer when the year is up!

I should have thanked you explicitly for the subscription. I am enjoying it - and will become a paying customer when the year is up!

Ditto. I have bought them occassionally, but I find it a treat to have it show up in the box. I will renew as well. Really good mag and timely reporting.
I didn't give out the free subscriptions so I'm not the guy to thank. It's nice to be thanked but I didn't do anything to earn the praise in this case :)

Now, if I can get Foxbat's subscription straightened out, then he can thank me! Other than that, you need to thank Scott, Greg and the Mgmt Staff at the magazine. That's the business end of things, and that is kept at arm's length from the writers as it should be.

I didn't give out the free subscriptions so I'm not the guy to thank. It's nice to be thanked but I didn't do anything to earn the praise in this case :)

Now, if I can get Foxbat's subscription straightened out, then he can thank me! Other than that, you need to thank Scott, Greg and the Mgmt Staff at the magazine. That's the business end of things, and that is kept at arm's length from the writers as it should be.


Ok. Thanks Scott, Gregg, and the Management Staff at Widescreen Review! :)
hi guys!

I just made a new arrangement with WSR. Starting immediately all persons who book a video calibration with Lion AV will also receive a FREE ONE YEAR subscription to WSR. If you are a previous client please email me and I will make sure that you are included in this offer.



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